Oh, how familiar is this cry for more! My toddler has started proclaiming, "But I want it!" But how quickly that perceived 'must have' item is quickly tossed out for another 'must have' item. :-)
The more I parent, the more I realize how God must view me. Far too often, I cry for more instead of delighting in the blessings I'm all ready covered in. Too often do I move from one answered prayer to the next request, instead of just dwelling in a moment of gratitude and praise. Too often, I sound like my toddler.....content until she realizes someone else has something she doesn't.
I look forward to giving this to her for Christmas, so somehow we can both walk this journey of learning contentment, dwelling in gratitude, valuing eternal things the most, and caring for others.
I was giving this book by B&H Publishing for review purposes, but the views held are my own.