I feel like summer took forever to start and now it is rushing by! My husband just had his monthly manager meeting today, and I said "All ready? I feel like you just had one!" We just celebrated Father's Day and it's already the weekend again. Time flies when you have three little ones running and scooting at tornado speed and making just as much of a mess! The phrase "Trying to clean house with little ones is like trying to sweep during a tornado" is so true!
Our 7 year wedding anniversary is coming up and we've often thought about how much has changed in those 7 years. The most obvious change is that we used to sleep, eat hot food, and go places whenever we wanted. I hear through the grapevine that we'll get to do those three things again when they get older. :-) But for now, with my cold food and cup of coffee, I'm just going to enjoy their antics, imaginary adventures, and curiosity about the world.
1. Read 12 books this year
The Middle Matters is a prerelease copy of Lisa-Jo Baker's newest book. I LOVED her other two books
Never Unfriended and
Surprised by Motherhood, and was eager to read this one. While I haven't loved it as much as the first two, it is definitely a delightful and inspiring read. I have highlighted so many quotes and shared them on my
Instagram account. It's a series of essays on lessons learned in the 'middle of life' on parenting, friendship, marriage, hospitality, homemaking, etc. It is written in a vary different style than her first two books, but still maintains her insightful perspective on life.
2. Explore the alphabet with my preschooler: Goal completed.
I've been thinking on how to develop our "Morning Time" or Morning Meeting. Each day during breakfast, the kids and I read the Bible and pray (between cleaning up messes, grabbing more food, telling the kids not to stand in their chairs...you get the picture). On my 'good' days :-) I try to add a bit more to it. Currently we've been reading the
Action Bible which is written as a comic book,
Sing a Song of Seasons:a Nature Poem for Each Day of the Year (borrowed from the library), and sometimes a picture book or preschool workbook.
My oldest just got water color paints and a bunch of art supplies for her birthday, so I've been trying to encourage her to step out in making things on her own. I'd also love for us both to learn about using water colors and colored pencils to do nature journals (one day......).
3. Identify 5 plants/tracks: I think it would be amazing to be able to go on our nature hikes and …..gasp….name what I’m looking at. But, alas! I have no idea. So I ordered some books to give me some clues.
Update: Technically.....my goal is completed. But is learning about nature ever a completed goal? I think not. We've been enjoying the flowers in our yard lately.
4. Get rid of 50 things:
Update: We now have a couple heaping boxes ready to donate which would totally complete this goal......but they are still waiting here.
5. Learn to make more things from scratch.
Update: We bought an ice cream maker and made oh so yummy mango frozen yogurt!
It only contains pureed mangos, homemade plain yogurt, sugar, maple syrup, and vanilla. 5 ingredients! Mmmmm! We bought the freezer bowl ice cream maker version so we don't have to worry about having ice and salt on hand. We used a recipe from The Prairie Homestead Cookbook or you could use
this one from the website.
I also made these delicious ham and cheese pockets from my new Prairie Homestead cookbook! They were sooo good! They were fairly easy.....as long as you remember to mix the dough ahead of time so it has time to rise. They also made for an easy leftover lunch the next day.
6. Prepare for secret project: making progress
7. Blog/writing (I have ideas…but life seems to take all my time)
Update: At least I'm writing each week...mostly. It definitely is life giving to be able to write.
8. Finish 2nd kids baby book and do the 3rd kid’s book: no updates....just wishful thinking.
9. Clean out freezer and use up pantry (you know all those unmarked surprise dishes you find in the back of your freezer? yah….)
Update: Mmmm, today I used the leftover butter milk to make buttermilk wholewheat flax seed bread. :-) It looks wonderful!
10. Do 10 projects with the little ones.
Update: I'm thinking I need to redefine this goal. We made cereal box guitars with rubber bands so that counts as a "project". And today we made a cardboard airplane. But I still feel like our zoo trips, library visits, nature walks, planting the garden, watering the deck plants, riding bikes, visiting the spray park, playing games, and coloring should count for something in this goal.....
How about you? How are you doing with your goals for this year? What's your next baby step? Remember, the only way to eat an elephant is to take one bite at a time. (Though I'm not saying you should eat elephants...)
I'd like to close with this thought from one of my favorite podcasts/blogs. "See needs and meet them."-
Risen Motherhood I taped this phrase above my sink to remind my own heart and to help me as I guide my children in developing servant hearts for those around them.
Is there something that you need? Something you'd like to learn more about or like to read more of? Something you would like me to be praying for you in? Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook, or comment below.
Sojourning with you,