One early morning, the baby decided that sleeping through the night wasn't fun anymore, so the two of us headed downstairs to find her milk and hopefully not disturb the sleeping family members (admittedly, I was jealous of them being able to sleep). As I waited for her to eat, I started feeling the weight of raising these little ones and the work in caring for them. I knelt by my chair in the wee morning hours and told God I didn't have much to offer. Try as I might, I was not super-woman. No matter how much I got done, there was always at least one more chore begging for my attention.
God began to remind me that he is the master of taking little and making it enough. In the gospels, we read of the little boy who willingly gave his lunch to Jesus. Clearly, he didn't expect it to be sufficient to feed 5,000 people....but Jesus made it enough. (John 6)
In Luke, we read of the widow who gave a couple of coins while everyone else around her was giving bags of money. Jesus said her gift was worth more than the rest because she gave all she had out of her poverty. It was her heart, not her amount. Jesus made it enough. (Luke 21)
The prophet Elijah asked a widow for food during a famine, though she only had a little bit of flour and oil left for making their last meal. God blessed her offering, and neither the flour nor oil ran out during the whole famine. (1 Kings 17) God made it enough.
In my 'to be read' pile, is a book by Sarah Mackenzie called "Teaching from Rest". In her book, she talks about offering our 'little' like the small boy offered his little lunch. There's a lot of things I can't do, but I can bake bread, I can read to my kids, and I can send encouraging text messages. I can offer up my "little.
God makes it enough.
What 'little' do you have to offer? He is sufficient. The house will never be completely clean, there will always be more I could teach the kiddos, and even while I'm marking off projects, there is more being added to the list. But......He is sufficient. He takes the little I have to offer and makes it enough.
Let's offer Him our little together.
Sojourning with you,