Monday, April 29, 2019

It's OK to just show up.

You know how it goes.....
You're walking into church, a store, a park....and inevitably someone greets you with "Hey, how are you?".  Now this isn't really a question, but more of a longer version of 'hi', and people don't always stick around for the reply.  Sometimes it's easy to avoid answering, as the person was only politely greeting you as they happened to pass you. But sometimes, they lock eyes and actually wait for the response. Then you have a you give the expected customary response back? "Great! How are you?" You could always switch it up with 'Doing fine!' or 'Never been better!'.  Or do you actually answer the question?

After a series of Sunday mornings where we were not 'fine', I started thinking on this. My response many weeks when someone greets me is often not "Great!"....but "We made it!" Usually my response is received with puzzled looks. But at that moment what I'm most excited about is....we made it and on time! 

When I heard their greeting, my mind went to the middle of the night feedings, the littles screaming and running around at 7:30 AM, the cat puking on the floor, the dog leaving muddy footprints across the dining room, changing poopy diapers, my son's cheerios all over the floor, my daughter's tantrums that we won't let her wear summer clothes when it's 28 degrees out, the frustration with finding an outfit to wear that looks fine after birthing 3 children, the baby crying before taking her mid-morning nap at 9:00 AM...then the rush to get everyone buckled in and in route by 9:45.

 So when you ask, "Hello, how are you?" I'm going to answer, "We made it!"  And you'd better be as excited as I am. :-)

Sometimes just showing up IS the victory.

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 6:13 "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Life, at times, feels like an escalator. Where unless you are making a constant effort to progress, you'll inevitably go down. Unless I'm constantly mindful of the dishes and laundry, they will take over my house.  Unless I keep pulling out weeds, they will take over my garden. Many times, the victory is in maintaining. Because maintaining my place on an escalator (without going down) is work! Standing my ground when life throws everything at me is also a lot of work. 

Sometimes just showing up IS the victory. 

If greeting time were up to me at church, at the Walmart checkout, as you're leaving the restaurant with the littles successfully in tow, or when you've just tucked the last child into bed, there would be a line of people clapping, high-fiving and rejoicing in your victory! 

Next time you're feeling discouraged, remember that standing your ground is a victory in itself. Just show up, do the next thing, and keep taking steps. 

Sojourning with you,

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Don't give up! The best is yet to come.

As I sit in my chair while literally everyone is my house is napping (even the cats), I start thinking about how exhausted I am. This last couple weeks have been tiring with the baby's sleep schedule changing and her being more fussy, added to the increased energy level of the other two. I'm tired of being pooped on, the dog barking, kids crying over everything, and just plain sleep deprived. Thankfully everyone slept through the night until 6 AM this morning. (Place tired face emoji here).

It's so easy to want to give up sometimes. Some days no matter what I do...the baby will cry, the kids won't like the food unless it's mac 'n cheese, and everyone will be grumpy/crying (even the dog).  But I can't toss out this book, just because this chapter is harder.

There's more to the story. 

I can't help but think of what the disciples felt like on Saturday. Jesus was dead. Their book (so they thought) was over.  They had nothing else to hold on to, and nothing else to live for. But their book wasn't over, they just hadn't turned the page to Sunday yet. 

I love reading anything put out by Elsie Ludicello, and a quote from one of her Instagram posts keeps flying through my thoughts. She wrote about creating a life that you don't "want to run away from". Life is too short to spend it miserable. Thinking on her post has motivated me to paint the bathroom, do creative activities with the kiddos, and to develop healthy rhythms. But creating that life requires work.  If I don't like how something in my household is running, then I need to change it. It requires time spent listening, praying, thinking over changes to make, and elbow grease to make course corrections.  God is the author of my story, but the choices I make can either support or hinder the story He wants to write. 

Small successes give hope that the story isn't over yet, and the Author knows what he's doing even if the chapter is hard. Little things like lunch with the kids while we read Farmer Boy, seeing them spot cardinals and robins, and listening to them sing church and school songs remind me that something is working. Listening to them retell the events from Jesus' last week before the Crucifixion amazes me (check out our Instagram posts to see what we've been up to).

A couple weeks ago, I took my preschooler, toddler, and baby to go visit some friends in a hospice room for 1.5 hours. I packed books, games and snacks, but I honestly wasn't sure if my little ones would last the visit. They did great and as we left our elderly friends, one of them said "You've got some great kids there". All the time I've spent praying over and instructing their hearts became worth it when they could spend over an hour in a hospice room and leave our friends blessed by their company. 

There's more to the story.

Some chapters are rough. They are full of miscommunications, frustrations, missing people, loneliness....and yes......maybe even being pooped on by a baby. But a chapter is not the end of the book. Let's think on that.....

A chapter is not the end of the book. 

I paint bathrooms, reserve library books, and spend sleepless nights because I have dreams that the Author of my story has placed there, and because I trust Him to take the hard chapters and make them into His perfect story. 

(our moss garden tomb)

It's Saturday, and Jesus is still in the tomb. But tomorrow the disciples will turn the page to a new chapter. They'll realize that hard chapter wasn't the end of the book.  Jesus.....the author of hope, forgiveness, mercy, and new life will come back to life!  His victory gives proof to His ability to transform lives. and to make broken messes into something beautiful. 

How about you? Is there a hard chapter you are going through now? Does it feel like the end of the book? Remember that Sunday is coming and ask the One who made you for help with your chapter. 

Sojourning together,

PS. If there's something you'd like me to pray for, please let me know in the comments. :-)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Easter plans and an Easter book review

The other day, my oldest told me she was going to scream out "Easter is here!" when it finally arrives. She said she would announce it to her siblings and then she listed off each pet by name. It's fun to have kids so I'm not the only one all excited to celebrate the holidays. :-)  I wish there was more non-bunny Easter decor available.   We go all out with decorating for Christmas...when He was born....but there are not many options available for decorating for Easter.....when He ROSE FROM THE DEAD. (Sorry, I just think that's a much bigger deal!)

The little ones and I started our Easter readings and activities today.  We started with the Triumphal Entry, and will be reading a section of Scripture and doing an activity most days during the next two weeks. Today we made palm branches and used our Nativity figures and some toy soldiers to act out the Triumphal Entry. We also read The Colt and the King.

The kids loved acting out the story! I'll be posting on Instagram as we go through the activities. You can follow there.
(Notice our disciples look strangely like Wise men!) 

Our favorite mail around here is when new books arrive, so we were very excited to receive this beauty in the mail!

Easter is Coming! is a delightful boardbook with soft padding and bright colored pictures. It tells the story from Creation, to the prophets, Jesus' birth and life, while pointing out that everything in Scripture leads us to the Resurrection. I love how it encompasses the whole story and not just Easter! Here's my favorite part from the book:
"Because Jesus died, all our sins can be forgiven. And because He rose, we can live with Him in heaven! You see, God always knew, and now you know too...that's why Easter is coming!"
How amazing that since before our world was created, God already knew He would need to send his Son and have him rise from the dead! In this book, God's plan for Easter is emphasized on each page.
What are your plans for Easter? What traditions do you have? My daughter and I were eyeing all the pretty baskets, treats, eggs, etc that are filling the stores right now. Their bright colors looked way more cheery than the dreary "hunker down inside" rain that is coming.
Sojourning with you,
PS. I received Easter is Coming as a complimentary copy from BH Kids/Lifeway Publishing. The opinions are mine, and I would put this on a favorites list for kids. :-)
PPS. There are affiliate links included in this post which make it easier for you to find the books listed if you so desire. :-)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Monthly Goals

Hello! We are super excited that spring is finally here!  As soon as the sun started shining, we went outside to soak it up!  Today, we were out noticing where the tulips are starting to poke up their green shoots. It's so fun, having kiddos who love nature too!

Here's an update on my goals this year:
1. Read 12 books this year (honestly if I can make it to 10, I’ll consider it a win)
Update: I finished Cozy Minimalist HomePeter Pan, and Sacred Holidays.

I’m currently reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Faith by Chuck Smith, The Life Giving Parent by Clay and Sally Clarkson,  Mother Culture by Karen Andreola, and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Kingsolver/Kingsolver/Hopp. 

Wow, when I list them out....that sounds like a lot!  One is an audiobook that I can listen to while working in the kitchen, and Farmer Boy is our family read aloud. 

2. Explore the alphabet with my preschooler: our “preschool” takes different forms through the seasons. Sometimes we do letters, but through the holiday season we’ve read a ton of books. 
Update: She has loved doing the preschool books she received for Christmas from her aunts!  I'm amazed at what skills she is picking up!

3. Identify 5 plants/tracks: I think it would be amazing to be able to go on our nature hikes and …..gasp….name what I’m looking at. But, alas! I have no idea. So I ordered some books to give me some clues. 


I was excited to try out my tree identification book at my parents' place.  While I hadn't used this book before, it was fairly simple to follow the steps to narrow down these trees. The top one is a Douglas Fir and the bottom one is a White/Blue Spruce. 
From what I understood of the animal tracks book, these were rabbit tracks. But I found that section a little confusing. If you have any pointers or recommendations, please pass them this way! I'd like to be one of those smart nature people, but I'm just a mom with a book.  :-)

My husband and the internet had to help me identify this one...Juniperus Virginiana (Red cedar).  This was collected on our last nature hike.  I didn't have time to figure it out before the group left me, so I had to grab a branch to research when I got home. 

Again, if you have any pointers or recommendations....please let me know. I just want to be able to say more than..."And that's a tree, and that's another tree, and that's a tree...."

4. Get rid of 50 things: 

Update: I cleaned out 4 cupboards, and the kids' books.  That's progress, right? 

5. Learn to make more things from scratch.


These buttermilk biscuits were amazing!!  The cast iron pan added a special toasted crunchiness to the outside layer. They were so flaky and just melted in your mouth! They were utterly moreish!
I found the recipe here.  They were perfect to go with our chicken pot pie.  Mmmmmm!

6. Prepare for secret project

7. Blog/writing (I have ideas…but life seems to take all my time)
Update: At least I'm writing each week...mostly. It definitely is life giving to be able to write. 

8. Finish 2nd kids baby book and do the 3rd kid’s book

9. Clean out freezer and use up pantry (you know all those unmarked surprise dishes you find in the back of your freezer? yah….)
Update: There's empty space in there! 

10. Do 10 projects with the little ones. 
Update: We made "guitars" with cereal boxes and rubberbands.  You guys.....this was better than any store bought present!  The kiddos loved them, and they were utterly adorable 'playing' their guitars and singing Jesus Loves Me!

What have you been up to?  Share in the comments section.

Sojourning with you,