Tuesday, November 27, 2018


This last weekend we celebrated "Thanksmas", our Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday joined together since not everyone will be able to travel back for Christmas.  The kids are enjoying their new toys and we are thankful for the new memories made as our family grows. Our holidays used to be quieter without the younger 5 grandchildren, but we are so thankful for them. Holidays are now spent differently, with kids constantly interrupting conversations, and diapers needing to be changed. Meals are a lot more "active" with five little ones around the table. Thankfully, we were able to simultaneously nap at least 3 of the 5 younger kiddos so the guys could squeeze a board game into our magical "quiet hour". :-) 

As we are still cleaning up from Thanksgiving and preparing to take down the fall decor and make way for Advent starting this weekend, the word that comes to mind is 'savor'. Too easily, I get busy with all that needs to be done and I forget to simply savor that moment. This last weekend, I was thankful to have many moments with my sister in-law while our children played together. We only see them twice a year, so I 'savored' those conversations.
(my mom's beautiful pantry)
I also savored the moments with my mom and sister spent in the kitchen preparing food for all of us, or cleaning up the never ending pile of dishes. Those moments are what make the depth of relationship.  My brother, in commenting on some changes we've made since adding in more kiddos, said something worth remembering. He said it's not the place we meet, but the people that are the main thing. It's easy to focus on the activities or space around us and miss the people.

Everyday, I read bedtime stories at least once or twice, but today I noted the soft hand of my toddler resting on mine while I read. Everyday, I feed my baby multiple times, but today I worked on making her smile afterwards. This weekend is the beginning of Advent, and I'm super excited to start reading our huge pile of Christmas books from the library, read our "Names of Jesus" countdown chain each day, put up our Jesse Tree ornaments, and our try out our DIY Shepherd on the Search.  My goal is to 'savor' this season with the excitement of a three year old.  Which, if you know a three year old, is pretty intense.

How do you plan to 'savor' this season or the time spent with people around you?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


This time of year remind us of something that we should be doing all year round. Eating pumpkin pie? Yes, I firmly believe everyone needs more pie!  But actually I'm referring to something much more important. 

Giving thanks.

So here's my thanks...

T- time...slow times.  Times where you sip tea and relish a good book. Times where you watch the children's excitement as they build a tower together. Time where you light a candle, pull out a thrift store tea pot decoration and a picture book....and suddenly it becomes a magical "tea time" with your preschooler. Time where you go for a simple walk to the mailbox, but you walk slow enough to pick up walnut shells to add to our nature treasure box. 

H-home...It doesn't matter if it's a house, apartment, dorm room, rental or your own. Home is where your heart finds a place to rest.  It's the ambiance you create to welcome in weary people, and send them off refreshed. It's where your loved ones gather in. 

A-acceptance...Accepted by my family in-spite of my grumpy days, forgetful mom brain, or  tiredness. Accepted by my friends in-spite of my quirks, and forgetfulness to check in with them.  Accepted by my Savior in-spite of my sin, selfishness, and pride. 

N- Need...My needs are met. We have a warm house and plenty of food. I have a huge stack of books to read, and library if I ever run out. And plenty of pumpkin spice food to enjoy for the season! (priorities, you gotta' have them) 

K-Kindness...Honestly, I'm never 'enough'.  But in these last couple months where I've been 'super not enough' (if that's such a thing), I've been so thankful for the kindness of others.  Prayers sent, text messages to check in, and words of support. Friends who will wear one of your kids for the 1.5 hour hike through the state park, so you don't have to do a front and back carry with your youngest two. Friends who will come rake leaves with you for hours. Friends who spend their lunch breaks visiting you, because that's way easier than traveling with all the littles. Friends who weave words of affirmation into a conversation that help you see God is making progress in your life. I pray that I may show the same kindness back to them. 

S-Snuggles...Because they grow too fast and you can never get enough.  Apparently this is the new way we are going to blog...with help from the little one. 

Happy Thanksgiving!  May your plate be full of pumpkin pie....lots of pumpkin pie!


Friday, November 16, 2018

Pumpkin Spice Muffins...and why I think baking (and life) is an art not a science.

There are bakers who have to follow the recipe exactly and then there are those who see the directions as suggestions. Either way, you place it in the oven or on the stove and hope for the desired results......yummy food. 

This last month, we made pumpkin muffins and many loaves of pumpkin bread.  This should not come as a surprise to those who know my pumpkin addiction and growing collection of fall memorabilia.  Yes, I do have pumpkin earrings, and yes, people did give me pumpkin snacks and pumpkin baby clothes when my little one was born.  If I had known that would happen, I would have planned all my littles to be born in fall just for the treats and cute clothes. Just kidding...

I make my bread with pumpkin from a real pumpkin (meaning not from a can) so I have to puree it first using my Oyster immersion blender  and drain out the water. Then next is where the art part comes in.  I love my pumpkin spice treats, but my desire to have the energy to raise my kiddos makes me eat healthier.   I substitute coconut oil in most of my baking, cut the sugar by half or a third (or substitute coconut sugar), and use whole wheat flour for part or all of it. Flax seed or chia seed may also be snuck in there.

For me, baking is an art form.  Dumping a little of this or that in the recipe and tailoring it how I like it. There's no guarantee it will turn out perfect (my husband has vetoed using coconut oil in his chicken pot pie crust) but it's always edible and healthier than the original recipe.  

I wish parenting and life in general was more science than art form.  I'd like guaranteed results and a five-step plan for raising amazing children.  Often I feel like I do all the right things, but still don't get the desired results. Lately, we've been adjusting the consequences for certain behaviors for our toddler as the previous ones don't seem to change things.  The new trick is putting all her stuffed animals in time out for a while when certain "naughty" choices are made.  It's frustrating when you can list off the things you've tried....and don't see the hoped for results. 

This definitely has increased my prayer life!  I keep bringing these little ones to my Master Baker asking for help in choosing the right ingredients and methods.  Parenting, baking, and life all involve trying different ingredients and methods, then trusting/praying that it turns out.  I don't always understand the ingredients He chooses to use in the recipe of my life, nor why he chooses certain methods, but I can trust Him for the end result. 

So how did those pumpkin spice muffins with the altered ingredients turn out? Amazing! They are gone, along with many loaves of pumpkin bread since then. I'll include the recipe (original version) below from the Pumpkin Lovers Cookbook in case you want to try it for yourself.

Enjoy and happy baking!

Pumpkin Nut Muffins
1/4 cup oil
1 Cup Pumpkin
2 Eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. cinnamon

Blend above ingredients. Add:
1 3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Mix thoroughly.  Put in greased muffin tins. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Makes 1 dozen.