Tuesday, November 20, 2018


This time of year remind us of something that we should be doing all year round. Eating pumpkin pie? Yes, I firmly believe everyone needs more pie!  But actually I'm referring to something much more important. 

Giving thanks.

So here's my thanks...

T- time...slow times.  Times where you sip tea and relish a good book. Times where you watch the children's excitement as they build a tower together. Time where you light a candle, pull out a thrift store tea pot decoration and a picture book....and suddenly it becomes a magical "tea time" with your preschooler. Time where you go for a simple walk to the mailbox, but you walk slow enough to pick up walnut shells to add to our nature treasure box. 

H-home...It doesn't matter if it's a house, apartment, dorm room, rental or your own. Home is where your heart finds a place to rest.  It's the ambiance you create to welcome in weary people, and send them off refreshed. It's where your loved ones gather in. 

A-acceptance...Accepted by my family in-spite of my grumpy days, forgetful mom brain, or  tiredness. Accepted by my friends in-spite of my quirks, and forgetfulness to check in with them.  Accepted by my Savior in-spite of my sin, selfishness, and pride. 

N- Need...My needs are met. We have a warm house and plenty of food. I have a huge stack of books to read, and library if I ever run out. And plenty of pumpkin spice food to enjoy for the season! (priorities, you gotta' have them) 

K-Kindness...Honestly, I'm never 'enough'.  But in these last couple months where I've been 'super not enough' (if that's such a thing), I've been so thankful for the kindness of others.  Prayers sent, text messages to check in, and words of support. Friends who will wear one of your kids for the 1.5 hour hike through the state park, so you don't have to do a front and back carry with your youngest two. Friends who will come rake leaves with you for hours. Friends who spend their lunch breaks visiting you, because that's way easier than traveling with all the littles. Friends who weave words of affirmation into a conversation that help you see God is making progress in your life. I pray that I may show the same kindness back to them. 

S-Snuggles...Because they grow too fast and you can never get enough.  Apparently this is the new way we are going to blog...with help from the little one. 

Happy Thanksgiving!  May your plate be full of pumpkin pie....lots of pumpkin pie!


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