I have so many 'wishes', bucket lists, 'some days'....(whatever you'd like to call them) that I can't make plans for all of them because there just isn't physically enough time for them. There's also the danger of wanting to do all the things, so I don't actually do anything well. Goals are tricky things. You have to make it high enough to have something to aim for while making it attainable. We have to "know our limits".
This year, I'm trying something different. I'm trying to do a list of specific goals and keep track of my progress. But my view of goals is very grace filled. :-) I'm going to set a goal and if I get anywhere in range, I'll count that as a success. See??? Lot's of grace! With all the littles and the pets around here, you have to have breathing room on your goals. I'm also going to try reporting back on progress, so I'm accountable for it.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.
Les Brown
1. Read 12 books this year (honestly if I can make it to 10, I'll consider it a win)
This month I read Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith. Loved it! You can read my review of it here. I'm currently reading Sacred Holidays by Becky Kiser. It definitely makes you think about holiday expectations, and living intentionally and with grace.
2. Explore the alphabet with my preschooler: our "preschool" takes different forms through the seasons. Sometimes we do letters, but through the holiday season we've read a ton of books and maxed out the reserve limit at the library multiple times. (When they have over 300 Christmas books for little ones, you have to check out a lot to narrow down your list of favorites for next year) :-) Her new favorite thing is books with cd's so she can follow along with the story instead of waiting around for me to read.
3. Identify 5 plants/tracks: I think it would be amazing to be able to go on our nature hikes and .....gasp....name what I'm looking at. But, alas! I have no idea. So I ordered this book based on a recommendation from a friend.
And these ones Winter Tree Finder by May Theilgaard Watts,
Track Finder by Dorcas Miller.
Now, the trick to being able to identify things is... I have to read the books. (sigh, there's never enough time to read all the books I want) Hopefully this summer I can practice identifying plants/animal prints.
4. Get rid of 50 things
Update: I passed on 1 cookbook in a book swap.
5. Learn to make more things from scratch.
Update: So far I'm learned to make yogurt, bread in the dutch oven, homemade cream of chicken soup, and my husband has made pretzels. I'll have to share those photos in another post.
6. Prepare for secret project
7. Blog/writing (I have ideas...but life seems to take all my time)
8. Finish 2nd kids baby book and do the 3rd kid's book
9. Clean out freezer and use up pantry (you know all those unmarked surprise dishes you find in the back of your freezer? yah....)
10. Do 10 projects with the little ones.
I'll be posting some progress updates on Instagram so be sure to check out that page. How about you? What are your goals or dreams for this year? Comment below so we can cheer each other on. Remember....grace filled. Make it something that is attainable and life giving. And if there is any way I can help, please let me know.
Sojourning together,
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