Sunday, April 19, 2020

10 things to when you are practicing 'social distancing'.

These are different times! My daughter and I are pining away for the time we can meet up with our friends. It's hard not having church or playdates. We are trying to make use of our 'extra time' to get some much needed projects done here.  I'm realizing I can either read the news/social media and pine away my time, or I can invest it. It's time for some creative living to keep ourselves occupied during this 'social distancing'. Here are my ten suggestions for staying occupied:

1. Pray!  If nothing else, spend some extra time praying. There is so much pressure on our president, governors, and mayors from all sides.  I don't know all the right decisions they need to make, but I know the ONE who does.  They need wisdom, strength, courage to face those who critique them, discernment to know the truth. Pray also for your neighbors, city, family, and those in your social sphere.

2.Read: This should be no surprise that I'm suggesting this one!  Now you don't have an excuse of being too busy. :-)  If you need some ideas, here is my list from last year

This spring, we finished Stuart Little, The Tales of Peter Rabbit, and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. Now we are reading (and enjoying ) Missy Piggle-Wiggle and the Won't-Walk-The-Dog-Cure. It's so fun to see our read alouds become part of the children's background knowledge. In the middle of a conversation, a child will suddenly remember, "Mama! It's like that boy did in _______(insert name of book)!"

Personally, I'm trying to read all the gardening books (surprise, surprise). But real life isn't allowing me much time to do that now. If you don't enjoy reading, perhaps try listening to a book. Most libraries have audio books available through their websites/apps and Audible is offering free children's stories while schools are canceled. 
(currently reading)

3. Organize: If you remember my goals for this year, I mentioned needing to clean out/set up the school room.  It's done!  Of course, more stuff will be added or tossed as we realize what we'll actually use. But it looks so welcoming, and the cozy chair with the view out two windows is easily one of my favorite spots to sit. We always say....'when I have more time I'll clean that out'. is the time as everything is canceled.

4. Home Projects: I had also listed hallway trim and stairway carpet on my beginning of year goals list. Thankfully, that was finished also. Now, we are digging, digging and more digging as we dig the post holes for a large fenced in yard. As tiring and sore as we are (and will be when it's done), there's something fulfilling about watching the kids play out in the dirt hill with their dump trucks, while my husband and I take turns with the post hole digger. It's like outdoor family time...while accomplishing a job. I saw a news head line that mentioned we could tell what people are up to during quarantine by checking out the city landfill.  Cleaning out junk and home remodel projects seem to be on many people's brains. Last week, when my husband took our load to the dump, it was the longest line he'd ever seen.  This is the perfect time to get those projects done, when we aren't distracted by everything else.

5. Grow something: I will always encourage growing more things!

Our little greenhouse is stuffed full of thyme, holy basil, oregano, tatsoi, tomatoes, asparagus, chives, and radicchio.  At least half the seeds are sprouted, while the others still sit waiting. I don't have much experience in getting plants to survive long enough to transition to outdoor living. But I figured, if I don't practice I'll never learn. I'd love to be able to grow fresh greens and herbs indoors all year. Fresh Food from Small Spaces  was really inspiring towards using any available space to provide food for yourself.  Growing something, even just one plant, provides a food source and emotional satisfaction in providing for yourself.

OK, I know I said 10 things....but I think the next five are suited for another post. I'd love to hear what you've been up to during this season. Remember, we are all in this together and we need to hold tight to those around us. 
Sojourning with you,

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