Thursday, June 13, 2019

When no is actually an invitation: replacing discontentment with gratitude

Two weeks ago, while I was putting up the garden fence at our community garden plot, I met a new gardener building her bean trellis. She was glowing with new gardener excitement and she was filled with ambitions, as she told me her story and we talked about what she was planting.  As we talked, I fell prey to the comparison trap and started comparing her grand 1st year garden with my scaled down garden.  Discontentment flooded in as I started feeling the need to haul all my garden stuff in and plant "all the things" like she was doing. Suddenly I wasn't content with my situation anymore.

But then I remembered the exhaustion of hauling the cucumber wire frames and garden fencing back and forth the last five years to our community garden plot, and the stress of multitasking seed planting and keeping the kids entertained, and the impossibility of taking three little ones there to weed with me (I'm sure I would see my precious vegetables end up in the weed pile because they were being "helpful").  And I realized that the answer to my big garden dream in this season was truly.....'no'.

As I stopped to listen to God's still quiet voice, He told me "This 'no' to your big plans is not forever.  Soon, your dream will happen.  But in this season you'll need to set aside that dream. This 'no' is actually a 'yes'. It's an invitation to what I've prepared for you to enjoy in this season.  Because of your simplified plans, you'll have more time to spend in adventures with your kids.  You can plan summer activities with . And you can get things in order for when I grant your dream to you soon."

As I pulled out my planner and began to write, a list formed of new goals for this summer season. I began to dream of adventures to be had, and projects to be completed that would prepare us for future goals. Instead of discontentment over this 'no', gratitude for all the yes's filled me.  Yes, I can get that basement done. Yes, I can makes crafts with my kiddos. Yes, I can plan weekly playdates to soak up our short summer with friends. Yes, I can plan hiking days, zoo days, spray park, playground, etc.  Yes, yes, yes......all replaced my 'no'. 

How about you? Is there a 'no' to a specific dream you are struggling with? Is God instead inviting you to new dreams in this season? The 'no' may not be forever.  But if we get stuck dwelling on it, we'll miss out on everything He wants to say 'yes' to. 

The caterpillar wants to keep going on grand caterpillar adventures, but it must go through a season of quietness and transformation before it is ready to soar as a butterfly. 

Sojourning with you,

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